loadrunner This will most likely turn out to be something trivial, but I have...

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Petar Puskarich

This will most likely turn out to be something trivial, but I have a question. Is there a way to do web_reg_save_param_ex with a HTTP web_url call in multiple sets either inside a web_concurrent group or via turning them into functions and putting the function calls into the concurrent group? I have a situation where I would like to make 12 web calls with correlation at the same time, but vugen really dislikes it. I THOUGHT I got around it in the past by making them into functions but it's not working. Is it just not supported to do the correlation calls inside a concurrent group even if part of a function?
web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=d1_anomaly", "LB/IC=anomaly\": ", "RB/IC=, ", "Ordinal=1", "SaveLen=-1", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=body", LAST); //{"modelname": "test1", "prediction": {"anomaly": 1.0, "actual": 884559605.0, "predicted": 1036454802.1399999}} web_reg_save_param_ex( "ParamName=d1_prediction", "LB/IC=predicted\": ", "RB/IC=}}", "Ordinal=1", "SaveLen=-1", SEARCH_FILTERS, "Scope=body", LAST); web_url("", "URL={TimeofDay}&scalar={d1}", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t1.inf", "Mode=HTTP", LAST);
Add all web reg save param ex before cocurrent group start. Use search filer requestUrl to search specific correlations. This can only capture dynamic values. If u want to capture and replace this value in same concurrent group, it won't work. You may have to manipulate those calls and take them out of the group.
Nope I just want to make 12 calls simultaneously Each with 2 web_reg_save_param_ex per call that setup parameters on the return. I could do this easily with 12 vusers, but I really don't want to do that. I can so this with non correllation setups just fine. I can't put the save_params outside the block since it would have basically 12 returns an not one.