loadrunner LR Vugen 11.04 , Citrix online plugin Multiple protocol:...

  • Thread starter Surya Teja Reddy Alimineti
  • Start date
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Surya Teja Reddy Alimineti

LR Vugen 11.04 , Citrix online plugin Multiple protocol: web Http/Html + Citrix ICA Mcafee Firewall enabled. So I got to use WinInet port mapping. Well I've recorded the application and able to correlate the script. The script ran successfully for few hours and Citrix client-server communication was established. Later the script started failing continuously due to correlation issue. Error: No match found for the requested parameter. I really don't understand how could correlation fail when once it is done. I'm sure that there are no changes from the application end. Whenever I record the script freshly, it runs fine for the first time. Fails from the second time. I would be grateful if anyone guides me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.
ctrx_nfuse_connect(); is not generated for the WinInet interface. Instead ctrx_set_connect_opt(); is generated. I don't have the idea of correlating the script and establish client-server communication for this.
Disable the AV and try recording the script using the default options i.e. socket mode. I would also recommend installing Citrix receiver 3.4.0 or Citrix Online Plugin Full. Make sure, you install the citrix patch on all the workstations where you are trying to execute these multiple protocol scripts.
Abhijeet Patre I appreciate your suggestion. But the environment where I'm recording the script is restricted to disable AV. So, I 've to go with WinInet. Is there anyway to get over with WinInet interface?.
"...it runs fine for the first time. Fails from the second time...." This is a classical pattern associated with several items: * Missing a correlation related to state, session or time * Missing checking for defined expected results and not branching your code to handle a condition when an expected result is not present * Turning on "continue after error" with either of the above. With this enabled the burden turns to the code developer (your test script) to handle unexpected events graciously
In runtime settings select "save snapshot when error occurs" and also check "parameter substitution" in extended log.Then look into the logs to see exact error details.Could be correlation issue/parameterization issue
I would need to know if you are running one iteration after other, or if you are doing replay of the script in separate tries. If it is continuously try checking "Simulate New User on Each Iteration". If not, check if you have a cookie that may expire after some hours.
Dagoberto Delgado I'm running the script iteration after iteration. I have two scripts. One of them runs successfully for few hours and later it fails with correlation issue. Another script runs fine for two or three iterations and then it fails with correlation issue.
Tried manual correlation as well as auto correlation both didn't work!! I just wanna know is there anything in Vugen settings or options that stops the correlation function web_reg_save_param(); to capture the dynamic value?
It might be firewall issue, recently I've faced the same, but I used single protocol Citrix ICA, When you are running the script for single login and multiple iterations, Your firewall will not allow you to keep the session active for long time, If it's just post this to the support team they will help u out .. I would suggest you enable the snapshot on error and log when error occurs. It'll help you to find out the cause..
Windows Firewall status is already set to 'off', I doubt that it is blocked by the McAfee antivirus. Three services of McAfee are running, if I'm gonna disable them, am I able to record the script in sockets interface ? Santosh Kumar Gattu
Dagoberto Delgado : "check if you have a cookie that may expire after some hours." This really helped me to solve the problem. Cheers man !!