jmeter JMeter 4.0 | AWS S3 Bucket | Non HTTP response message

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Prashant Sah

New Member
Jun 11, 2019
I have uploaded one video and image file in the S3 bucket.
  • Video File:374 KB
  • Image File:826 KB
Now, i have created the script add two HTTP Request for the two files which are located on the S3 bucket.

I executed the script on the distributed environment configured as below:

  • Master Machine (My Machine)
  • 2 Slaves Machine
  • Thread: jp@gc - Stepping Thread Group
  • Number of Threads: 100
Once the script has been executed below errors are appearing:

  • Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: Connection reset
  • Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: Remote host closed connection during handshake
  • Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: recv failed
I am unable to identify what is causing these errors to arise:

  • Is it master machine or the slave machine?
  • Or, there is some problem with S3 bucket, it is unable to handle the requests?
I have tried changing the HTTP Default request implementation to HTTPClient4 changed the as follows:

  • httpclient4.retrycount=1 and
  • hc.parameters.file=hc.parameters
And hc.parameters file:

  • http.connection.stalecheck$Boolean=true
Can anyone help me to identify the problem? and how can i solve these errors?

Server Configuration:

  • Application Server: 2
  • Database: RDS
  • Elastic Load Balancing
  • S3 bucket