loadrunner In the design tab of the Controller, I have...

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Scott Moore

In the design tab of the Controller, I have named my scripts with a prefix of S01_name, S02_name, etc however I notice that when I pull up the saved scenario the next time, the Group name list is not in alphabetical order. I have to click on the group column to put them in the proper order. Is there a way to make the Group name column the default ordering mechanism?
Scott, thank you for your feedback. It is very important for the LoadRunner R&D and product teams. To summarize all your requests, I can say that we are definitely looking into ways for improving the LoadRunner and Performance Center products user experience - enhancing and simplifying it while still providing the necessary rich functionality. All the feedback we collect is being processed and taken into account when developing new versions and offerings. For example, the "tech preview" Web Controller that was released in LR 12.02 has lots of such feedback incorporated in it. Another example is the StormRunner user interface. https://saas.hp.com/software/stormrunner-load
I just thought this might be the best place to post this stuff while I was thinking about it. i am executing a test and watching the paint peel so I figured I would do something useful.
In Web Controller there is option to sort LGs (similarly to any other table). Anyway, my statement was a general statement.
Thanks Igor, but I remember reading in help manual that there is no sorting option available in web controller.
Well, NaveenKumar, I don't always trust my memory so before posting my reply I have opened Web Controller and checked that LGs table has sorting. Anyway, this is really small thing, and the POINT of my post was that product usability and ease of use is one of product team top priorities.