A Abu Jafor Ansary Guest Aug 17, 2015 #1 In correlation what will i do if my left boundary & right boundary are also dynamic?
N NaveenKumar Namachivayam Guest Aug 17, 2015 #2 Please use DIG in your function. For more details visit qainsights.com via Google search Upvote 0 Downvote
S Sai Kumar Reddy Guest Aug 17, 2015 #4 many ways.. If the dynamic value number count is constant use wild cards of web reg save param attributes. and the count of LB and RB is dynamic, you can try regular expression function / using stringtokenizer you can capture the required data. Upvote 0 Downvote
many ways.. If the dynamic value number count is constant use wild cards of web reg save param attributes. and the count of LB and RB is dynamic, you can try regular expression function / using stringtokenizer you can capture the required data.
M Mohan Reddy Guest Aug 17, 2015 #5 Use DIG function or use before line as a LB after line as a RB Upvote 0 Downvote
C Cheran Tej Guest Aug 17, 2015 #6 Use LB/DIG,RB/DIG and place special characters for changing boundaries.... Upvote 0 Downvote