loadrunner In Analysis, the first thing I do is set a...

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Scott Moore

In Analysis, the first thing I do is set a Summary page filter and select only the transactions I want to show up on the page. Then I go to the global filter and set up the scenario time to take out ramp up to apply to all the other graphs. The global filter applies and then my summary page has lost its filter and I have to filter out the transaction names again. If I ever have to go back and adjust a global filter for that analysis session later and save it I have to redo the summary page filter again. Any way to make the summary filter retain its settings after applying a global filter?
Hi Scott, This is an expected behavior, Global filter overrides Summary page filter. For now Analysis have a checkbox in Global filter window which regulates only behavior of Graph filters (override or not override). We will plan enhancement for this case. Thanks and Regards, Михаил Бойчук