I am facing issue with PC 11.52 and IE11....

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Maanish Sinha

I am facing issue with PC 11.52 and IE11. Earlier it was IE 11 which I downgraded to IE8( on some advise). Now I am not able to get all ALM components on IE.While trying to install but looks like PC components are not getting downloaded. Repeatedly it is prompting for ‘ Run ‘ and taking back to ‘Click on the Launch the installation’.-ALM-Platform-Loader but not proceeding. Any input? Thanks
Maanish Sinha Clear the browser cookies and files under view objects as well as view files in IE then restart the system. Now try loading the alm url in a new IE session.. It shouldn't be a problem with IE11 , it worked fine for me in IE11. It must be something alm with class loader msi files in IE cache area(view object). Let me know if it works Bhai
It is not working.I cleared all cookies, temp files, View objects/files, restarted machines...:(
Try launch from command ( search alm d click on it)
Go to internet option, advance tab, under security, uncheck publisher certificate, server certificate and publish signature on downloaded program..
Try removing the ALM Client components from your machine. Once they are cleared, access ALM url again so that it downloads the Client completely. Also check if Run ActiveX Controls & Plugins under Internet options-->Security-->Internet-->Custom level-->Activex Section is enabled. It should be enabled for Internet, Local Intranet and Trusted sites.