loadrunner how to identify the peakday/peak hour volume of specific Business...

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SP Manjunath

how to identify the peakday/peak hour volume of specific Business Scenario without help from Dev/other teams
Is there an existing system in production. Can you get access to usage data? or record creation information from the production system? But overall performance testing is a team support; if you are really out there with no support from other teams, your probability of a successful/useful test cycle is low.
Step 1: panic Step 2: go to every forum on the internet and ask how to do this instead of calling your assigned mentor as a new performance tester
Now A days every one is monitoring there peak load and hits using live monitors like coremetrics,omniture and some other tools if you had acess to those tools then you directly go to that site and you can take the particular date numbers from the tools and you can create the work load with the help of these numbers
Peak load identification without support of App team and Business Analyst is bring approch and end up getting incomplete info unless it's new application. However you can refer old test baselined test result and increase the user load by 15- 20%.