loadrunner Hi, I am observing the spikes in the performance of the server....

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Agam Jajoo

Hi, I am observing the spikes in the performance of the server. Perfmon data looks like high CPU utilisation, high memory Utilisation. Now I wanna know which particular PROCESS was contributing more. Please allow me to explain with example:- In my task manager--> Process Tab, there are process like Google Chrome, Load Runner Agent, Energy manager and Blah blah...Now can i set Perfomon or any other utility in such a way that it will give me that satistics in such a way that Chrome was taking this much RAM or CPU over this particular time or atleast average of the chrome over full duration. Thoughts are welcome!
Yes. Added all counters but it wouldn't show the PROCESS name. It gives me counters like virtual bytes, % processor time id process and all but unfortunately couldn't find the process names there
Can you go to process counter and below there is a option instances of selected object should give u all the running processes on your system
Go to perfmon >>add counters>>select process from the available counters ...then select a metric like private bytes ....then below there is another panel in which you must have some running processes ....select a process for which you want to monitor ...I 'll send you the snapshot once I am on my laptop till then try this
Running the agent and chrome on the server? For windows you can look at these on the server. But if this is the LR generator. Is high cpu and memory it sounds like the generator is overloaded. Especially with chrome running. This assumes the test script is correct and a typical http vuser
Thanks Puneet, that was some helpful info. Thanks to Raymond as well, but I took chrome just to quote an example however it's not the actual bottleneck...
Install on the server machine whatisrunning. exe aplication.This applicarion gives which process takes huge memory in the server.