loadrunner Hi Guys, I am running LoadRunner community...

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Zohra Baig

Hi Guys, I am running LoadRunner community version 12.02 at windows 8 and IE 10 platform. I used TruClient- IE protocol for recording the web application. When I click on start recording button at Truclient browser then error showed “TCS has stopped working” and ask me to close the program. I tried to fix this issue like disable the anti-virus AVG but prob is same. Also someone guide me that try to uninstall the security update “KB3038314” from the system and then use the Truclient protocol. This security update is already not installed at my system so again no solution. But Yes TruClient- Firfox is working properly I can record and replay the script through this protocol. Pls Guide me about the problem of TruClient - IE. James Pulley It would be great if you will also provide me your valuable feedback. Thanks Zohra Baig
I think lr support only ie 8 & 9 after version is not support so better try to win 7 or ie lowest version
Nope GanesaMoorthi Pandi actually I started working on lr 12.02 for this ie11is only supporting so try this first if not u can degrade ur is version.
It's just the beginning , once you complete scripting , you will see a lot of problem like this specially setting up everything in controller . Better use win 7 to avoid this . I was a victim of win 8 too .
Vamsikrishna Garlapati & GanesaMoorthi Pandi thank you for your feedback but it is clearly mentioned in the HP installation guide that Loadrunner 12.02 support win 8 n IE 10 platform. HP they are selling this giant software around the world then i hope they are not providing wrong information there must be some solution around to run IE 10 with Truclient.
Imran H Shishir thank you for the feedback. let me tell you it is not the beginning for me atleast :) i already used LR 9.5 and now going towards this new version n Truclient is new for me. yes you are right many problems are there to see and solve it. IE Compatibility issue is always there but i hope some solution is there to run LR 12 at win 8 n IE 10. I will definitely check it on win 7.
Shlomi Nissim i checked this link but it says you dont have permission infact i login to my HP account. give me any specific item name so that i can search it out...... thanks
Hi all, I have a financial application that submits the data in $ amounts. When I looked in the extended log the value is in number format like (43251) but during submission it is converted into dollar format $43,251.00. How to convert the string into $ format? Is there any function?
Ram, which protocol are you using? I think it is worth opening a new discussion as it has no relation to the discussion Zohra opened