loadrunner Hi guys, Difference in Response time in...

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Zohra Baig

Hi guys, Difference in Response time in TruClient & HTTP/HTML protocol I have used LR 9.5 version and used HTTP/ HTML protocol for testing the application. When I started to use the truclient in LR 12.02 ver then it gave me a transaction response time difference in truclient and HTML protocol. Like for 10 users, login transaction response time avg 1.128 sec in HTML protocol and 3.031 sec in truclient. I know wasted time is not included in the transaction response time. I took typing interval 1 ms and interstep interval 300 ms in truclient replay settings because it effects the transaction response time. Think time is same in both HTML and truclient protocol and standard log is set in runtime settings. I searched this issue at online forums but I didn’t get any satisfactory answer. if interstep interval is included in the response time then I cannot minimize it because minimum value required is 300 ms. My question is what activities times are included in the transaction response time run by truclient? How I can make it more realistic transaction response time given by truclient? Why there is a very big difference in response time given by HTML and truclient protocol. It is very much important for me because I was using HTTP/HTML protocol but now for new version, truclient is coming so how its calculating the transaction response time I must know about it. I already read LR help file but didn’t get much help. if i get correct answer then it would give me confidence to use truclient protocol.
Browser rendering time is not part of response time when captured by HTTP/HTML protocol but it is captured as part of response time in a typical truclient script's transaction.