loadrunner hi frnz am a beginner for LR.... after recording the script i...

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Sathish Kumar Venu

hi frnz am a beginner for LR.... after recording the script i could find lot of web_custom_request getting recorded along with the other requests made... i am struggling while replaying the script is there any way where in i can stop web_custom_request getting recorded.........can any one help me on the same...............
Have you been through training? Do you have a mentor? Have your foundation skills been evaluated? Are you ready for your boss to blame you when everything goes south?
there can many reason your script might be failing .... but if you really annoyed with events getting recorded in web custom request ... then use web_add_auto_filter for those events....
You can't relate this issue based on version. WCR gets generated when LR cannot decide on the format. For example, when you have URL encoding or multi part form data etx
Satish.. Would be gud for u if your basics are cleared before u jump into such scenarios... Now that u have an assigned task to complete,,, may I know what you are trying to record (the kind of application, the technologies involved)?
Mahendra Singh am just tryin with inbuilt web tours app am in learning stage still not completed my full basics
Just go through the different recording option and learn what exactly they do...you will find your way...put some efforts instead of asking everything its key to learn