loadrunner Hi Everyone I used to work with LoadRunner...

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Robert Scarborough

Hi Everyone I used to work with LoadRunner testing web applications in a Data Center for a Technical Automation Group. I would love to get back into it, I just did real basic tasks with it but it seems to be a demand for it. I guess I just want to know the best path for learning it again. Should I learn a language like C first and maybe some basic performance testing concepts first and then learn it. Would Python be a good one to learn for Loadrunner? Just wondering.
You won't get far in LR without a basic knowledge of C -- think loops, conditional logic, arrays, variable assignment, function syntax, etc... I think an excellent starting point is to download an evaluation copy and tear into the tutorial and the LR Help files. You will be presented with real life examples of places to use what I mentioned above. For example you will need to use lr_eval_string function many times in your career. In LR, you select the function, hit F1, and get the Help file to show you excellent examples of how it works and what the parameters are. That being said, the more you know about C will only help you but I'd say to do them in parallel rather than serially. One will complement the other. It also really helps to have an experienced mentor at your company or organization. But (and don't tell anyone this) I learned "the hard way" on my own with only minimal formal training and a programmer's background. It can be done and is a very rewarding career technically and professionally. Good journey to you sir!
Robert Scarborough Memory management is complex in C. I would suggest to learn a scripting language. HP LR 8 supports Java Script and VB script(also VBA). Hope this helps. Thanks
Oh, there are links to get evaluation LR in this forum. Scroll and ye shall find. Also there are a number of good forums where you can get interesting and occasionally snotty advice. Just be prepared to think for yourself and if you ask a question like: "I clicked record and nothing happened" to be derided by these same professionals. It seems we (my industry colleagues) suffer no fools. :)
Thank you do much, a former co worker told me the same thing, I will find a good c programming course and get loadrunner. I used it for about a year.
Head on over to wilsonmar.com It has pretty much all the golden nuggets of the industry present and past concerning the toolsets involved. Yeah, sometimes I get frustrated too with questions that seem on the level of. I have an interview in the morning. How do I setup a complete test event from scratch? And in 15 words or less? ;) I've often thought of putting together some kind of reasonably costing tutorial set for people exactly like yourself. Over 17 years of this profession has brought me through a number of interesting technologies and ways to test and validate all sorts of systems. Good luck!
Exactly Peter, I mean I'm sure with your background you could put together something that would be helpful to a lot of people. I'm so thankful for the internet so that I can at least get information a lot quicker and at least I have had some basic hands on experience. I like the whole automation testing concept and I am sure there are lots of tools out there, I just like working with Loadrunner even though at the time I didnt really understand a lot of it because I was busy with other stuff like Sitescope as well. If I had to do it all over again I would start with some basic testing concepts and a cross the board language to use maybe.
You would feel right in place then with Performance Center with the topology maps that auto deploy best practice templates to Sitescope now. Really slick feature that helps standardize the whole machine data part of test data collection. HP Diagnostics for Java and .Net and their associated collectors for MQ and DB would also be something you might enjoy as well.
Nice product too.. It's still around and BSM 9.2x is the current incarnation.. I used to be the product owner of BAC 1.0 at work.. It ran under my desk for the first 6 months of production and get this.. It was on a Compaq Proliant... Quad PPRO 100 64megs of ram... Those were the days! I've been doing this stuff since 1997. A LOT definitely has changed since then.
OMG man that is wild LOL, well you pretty much can give me a lot of advice on where to start, I have seen jobs posted with BSM and all that. I was a Junior systems admin guy I guess you could say, focus was on monitoring and creating alerts in Sitescope and BAC. Got away from it but it seems to be calling me back LOL, real cool stuff
I really want to get a good foundation in programming basics and then learn C for Loadrunner or whatever I need to learn to get back with loadrunner. Seems to be a growing demand again in the market