loadrunner Hi, Any one did load test for TIBCO spotfire...

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Venkatesan Arjunan

Hi, Any one did load test for TIBCO spotfire applications? I need help on scripting. I have used web protocol to for recording. i'm able to record and replay successfully, but i'm unable to validate whether the recorded pages are coming properly or not. P.S: The application is touch based, so not sure which protocol needs to be used, i just gave try with web http protocol.
Place a protocol analyzer such as Wireshark or Sniffer on the application. Watch what the client communicates with, the protocols identified by the protocol analyzer and what well known ports are in use. To repeat, the "protocol analyzer" in this context is not the protocol recommender inside of LoadRunner, it is a tool which operates to record the conversation for all traffic coming out of the host.
The one in the loadrunner is called "protocol advisor" which gives more of confusing options than helping you to figure out what is the best protocol to go with ...so analysing the traffic would be the best option.
James Pulley..does fiddler captures all the communication irrespective of whether it is HTTP or not?I am working on a data analytics application Qlikview which talks through Qlik proprietary protocol QV through an installed IE plugin on IE...what should be the approach in this case? Proxy recording is not working as communication is not over Http, should we go ahead with API level testing by directly calling the application methods in our LR scripts by importing application libraries?
thanks all for your replies, i tried to with web protocol, and able to replay. but there is no evidence that the script is working as expected , means the business scenarios are replayed properly.