loadrunner Hi All, facing an issue with the AJAX...

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Prashant Chahar

Hi All, facing an issue with the AJAX TruClient. My application is trading application and the rates of trades are kept on changing with in the faction of seconds. So at the End Event of the request, i have Automatic: Step Network completed... and actually the network will never be completed due to the trading rates which are updating in seconds. tried with other end options also but no luck. Application is developed with so many encryption so other protocols are not useful. Kindly help me.
There is only one way put wait for function and find something unique. Trading feeds never end. So wait for X no of minutes and then continue your application...
What do you wish to measure? As you know end event should not be based on network traffic as it never ends. You should probably set the end event to document loaded and then create a busy wait loop. now, if you wish to measure something it should probably be done using event handler mechanism. I will wait for your reply to give a more concrete advice
Shlomi Nissim I want to measure the response time of the action performed(Like click or enter), can ignored the responses of the trades that is getting change frequently. I tried with the other End Event like Document Loaded and all but no Luck, System is getting timed out at that step.
Jackson Crasto Particular action like Click will only find the object which is being clicked and the now the question is what should be the End event for that Click Action? rgt i can put the wait event after the Click Action but now the Action Click its self is having problem with the "End Event" of its own Step.
I assume document loaded is timed out since it is not being fired in this use case. set the end event as action completed and add wait for object after it. in the wait for object choose an object different than the one you clicked and that gives good enough indication for the fact the click succeeded.
Prashant Chakar the end event for the wait should be step network completed some unique parameter on the page need to be found, for my method to work. Reduce the wait time for wait for if it is problematic
Prashant, you need to first either identify a unique object and wait till the object loads or consider any unique property of click event firing object to place your 'wait till' condition.