Shane I have a jmeter script and I have loadrunner and performance center environment is there a way I can convert my jmeter script or can I execute directly in controller or performance center ?
You could even set LoadRunner as a proxy to record JMeter, and skip the Fiddler step. However, I'm interested in what kinds of scripts you are looking to convert, and why they were originally recorded in JMeter rather than LoadRunner directly. We're investigating ways to enhance this capability, and hearing directly from someone who needs to do it would be very helpful.
Why do people want to go through fiddler. ? Loadrunner has had a pefectly capablke http recording proxy since (at least) 1996 built into the tool natively. Set vugen in proxy mode for an external app. Set your proxy in jmeter to the lr recording proxy. Hit play You will lose some fidelity. Think of a recording of a recording and you will inherit in your Loadrunner script any of the idiosyncrasies of jmeter playback which are distinct from the native recording