hello friends can any one explain useful load...

  • Thread starter Pavan Kumar Chowdary
  • Start date
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Pavan Kumar Chowdary

hello friends can any one explain useful load runner functions?
Hi Pavan Kumar Chowdary, There are many LR functions, how useful it is, depends on the requirement of your script... Please be more specific which functions you are using and what output you needed..
The general functions we use: Lr_start_transaction, end transaction, lr eval string, atoi, web convert param, lr eval string, lr eval int, lr save string, web_reg_save_param, lr think time.... there are many more...
lr_debug _message, lr_save_int(), lr_save_param, lr_message
Lr-param-idx.lr-paramarr-len.lr-paramarr-random. Lr-decrypt.