loadrunner An app I am working on uses C# to call the .gethashcode method and...

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Scott Moore

An app I am working on uses C# to call the .gethashcode method and uses the resulting value in an HTTP request for a specific named pair. I need to make this method call and grab the resulting value and use it in a Vugen call. How could I do this? My thoughts are to get a DLL made that has this functionality, load it into vugen with lr_load_dll and then make the call directly and parameterize the output. Is there already a DLL that I could use or does a developer need to make me one?
According to online resources, it is in the mscorlib.dll which I think is on every Microsoft OS. Anyone know?
Yes mscorlib.dll should be everywhere more or less. Sound like c#. Or maybe it's one of the request classes doing it on behalf of the parent that makes the outbound.