loadrunner What is the Compatible Citrix Recording Client...

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Vivek Anbalagan

What is the Compatible Citrix Recording Client for Citrix Server Agent Version 11.50.2216.0? And where can i get the downloadable? Windows 64bit OS.
That's actually a great question.. I can NEVER seem to keep track of what version and type of Citrix goes with which LR part... While we are at it, what is the similar answer for 11.52 that was just released. We are going to that in about 60 days.
Petar Puskarich - Thanks for the info. I am using LR 11.52 and i am using the citrix server agent 11.50.2216.0 and client receiver as 11.52.4391.0. It says "The Citrix Agent is not the same version as the Citrix Recording Client". Citrix dont have any support downloads for receivers in win 64bit :(