loadrunner Want to try LoadRunner 11.52? LoadRunner 11.52...

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Igor Markov

Want to try LoadRunner 11.52? LoadRunner 11.52 Trial version is now available. 50 Vusers, all protocols! Download from here: http://www.hp.com/go/loadrunner Download and installation tips: http://hpsw.co/g9G2PqW If you're new to LoadRunner start with the LoadRunner tutorial (available from Start menu).
I used to use Loadrunner for testing scripts for web applications. Would love to get a job working with it again.
OK I will check that out, I just dead real basic stuff with it. I think I really need to learn c programming first and then work with Loadrunner, maybe I can get a Performance tester job maybe.
IF you can find a consultancy that is willing to give you a chance to coop with an existing contract in force, that would by the fastest solution. Well that is if you are the type of learner that can jump in and figure stuff out. We've had a few consultant groups over the years do that with our company. We got lower rates because of on the job training from OUR staff to theirs but we also needed the extra bodies to get a lot of scripting done then. Best of luck!
Yea thats what I was thinking, I was just wondering if I need to study some basic testing stuff or a programming language or both.