loadrunner VuGen 12.02 - I have opened two scripts into...

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Scott Moore

VuGen 12.02 - I have opened two scripts into the same solution and opened both action.c files. I want to review them side by side by using split. When I select the Split icon, it does split the screen, but it is the same exact file, not a comparison of one to the option. I tried floating the scripts and that doesn't really do what I want. How can I use the split but have one action.c on the top and the other on the bottom so I can compare code line for line?
Indeed the Windows->Split command split the current active document to allow both edit the document at one location and view its another location. For your need, you can drag the file tab (the tab with the "action.c" name) and place it "next" to another open document. See my screenshot. Let me know if it works for you. Specifically for comparison purpose it's also possible to compare two files directly from Solution Explorer pane: right-click a file -> Select File to Compare, right-click another -> Compare to. The comparison tool of your choice can be configured from Tools->Options->Scripting->Comparison.