loadrunner Trying to record HTTP requests via the LoadRunner proxy. I get the...

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Scott Moore

Trying to record HTTP requests via the LoadRunner proxy. I get the following error: [Proxy Recording ( fcc:1070)] Started proxy on port 8888 in synchronous mode [Proxy Recording ( fcc:1fc4)] Client request from @ 192.x.x.x:28293 [Proxy Recording.Error ( fcc:1cc8)] Cannot add request header message:The 'Transfer-Encoding' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method. Parameter name: name [Proxy Recording.Error ( fcc:1cc8)] Cannot add request header message:The 'Expect' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method. Parameter name: name the proxy is trying to alter or change the "Transfer-Encoding" header (which for us is "chunked") and/ or the "Expected" header (which is -1) Is this is a bug with the LR proxy recorder or am I missing something? This is currently as a proof of concept stage so if I need to log a ticket I will need to put in a trust case. Should that be my next step?
Fun with headers!! If you are using a certain mobile framework it happens a LOT. I ran into this and resorted to wiresharking it then importing into Vugen as mobile script then adding the custom headers present in the wireshark recording that got totally dropped by Vugen even with the all headers option turned on. Yeah, log the ticket. Will help others along the way not to have to troubleshoot.
Hi, you can try some workaroud. For example, use Fiddler to capture a saz file, then convert it to a VuGen script.
And for my efforts, I was sent a 24 MEG LR User Guide and told to read pages 218 - 219 to ensure I understand how to use the proxy recording capabilities in LoadRunner.....