loadrunner There is no option for protocol advisor in HP...

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Ajay Singh Raghav

There is no option for protocol advisor in HP LoadRunner 12.53. Does anyone knows what is the workaround for same ?
Lior Avni - Yes that's what my question is - protocol advisor is removed so what is the alternate way for finding out protocols to be used for an application in Loadrunner 12.53 ?
Learn how to use Wireshark. It will help you understand the underlying protocols and how they are working under the GUI layer. Sometimes the protocol advisor would default back to COM or some low level suggestion like sockets when that really meant it did not know what to advise. Looking at the Wireshark sniffer log you would be able to be more accurate and possible choose a higher level.
The way Amdocs CRM is accessed is using citrix client and actual application is thin client running on Java- what could be possible protocol- will it be single or multi protocols ?
Citrix and Java can't be incorporated in a multi protocol script, so it looks like an "either or" choice of what you want to test - the citrix environment or the Java application.
so in this case, I suggest you install LR within the environment as you can't test the Java application through a citrix script.
I would guess because it was not being used that much and this was supported by customer feedback. Most performance engineers who use LR know which protocol to use or they have other ways of finding this out.
Yes, Look at the architecture of your application. Denote the communications protocols expressed by the architecture and verified though examination either with Wireshark (network level) or with Winsock through the expression and use of well known ports as well as the clear text of the handshake within the first few buffers in the Data.ws