loadrunner There is a major challenge of performance testing - accurately...

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Igor Markov

There is a major challenge of performance testing - accurately emulating real-world utilization patterns. The following blog post examines how the exponential distribution can be modeled and how dynamic think time and pacing can be introduced into testing in #LoadRunner and beyond
Thank you Igor. Have been using this approach as one of the best practices for past 15 years, it is indeed the best way to prevent artificial saturations of a system along with interpretation of Web analytics/user trend reports to understand variances of each user session to help with setting proper think time /pacing algorithms as per your post.
I have been hoping for a long time that HP would provide some better distributions built on on think time and pacing settings beyond the mostly uniform distribution offered by rand(). It would be so nice (hit hint) if we could see a drop down list on the pacing and think time for distriubution type...defaulted to uniform but also including Normal, Poisson, Exponentially Decaying, Logarithmic, etc... . Even better if it was also available with the random number numbers in the parameter settings!
This is great news to those that fully understand all the ramifications of and the power that this provides. Next up is to make sure this ends up as part of the foundation skills learned/observed/practiced/trained to those coming onboard in the last several years and into the future.