loadrunner The New Virtual Table Server (VTS) in...

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Igor Markov

The New Virtual Table Server (VTS) in LoadRunner 11.52. As part of the new version 11.52 of LoadRunner we have created a new virtual table server (VTS). Find out more about it: http://hpsw.co/Hn3s2Y5
Will need to validate in the new VTS... Does it support the data update/add on unique feature like SQUID does? We've just recently utilized SQUID since the new VTS wasn't fully released at the time.
From API level it is backward compatible, which means it support old API vtc_send_if_unique. This API will update server when the value is unique in the current field.
Perfect. That's exactly what I was after. We are using that feature a lot combined with a TON of asych calls new to LR to provide realtime scripts that can basically chat back and forth to each other as well as self moderate a leader discussion system. Pretty slick stuff now that we have it working. I might convert our Squid over to VTS2 then.
Is VTS allow transfer of dynamic values from one script to other script in a controller scenario...
To Amit, yes, VTS is designed to transfer dynamic values from one script to the other, like a database server. Currently it supports all C language scripts and TruClient. If you are using some other protocols, you need to write some customized code to work with VTS. The communication is based on JSON, so user can develop their own clients.