loadrunner So, it used to be really easy to find the...

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Thanks Shane! My point was that this link inexplicably became impossible to Google. I used to search for "HP LR System Requirements" and it would be first or second (non-sponsored) result. Now that result is nowhere to be found on the first three Google result pages. Did HP offend the Googles? (Checks self for need of breath mint). :)
So I guess it's time to do a little search engine optimization tuning for that bookmark so it gets indexed higher? I'm sure we can create multiple sites and references to with the tools we all know and love. hehe
I've never seen anything like that, Petar. You'd think that the specifications for LoadRunner from HP would be at the top of the page results. Nope. Not even close. That is why I was wondering if HP changed metadata or if Google did something to the rankings.