loadrunner Shlomi, Shane, or others... I have a question...

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Erik Pena

Shlomi, Shane, or others... I have a question about what seems to be a new feature in LR/PC. But first, I hope all of the HP team is safe in Israel. I was just in Haifa and Tel Aviv and it was a bit tense. You are in my thoughts for sure! This feature is "5 Worst Transactions" and the "Violation %" Here's a sample with actual examples: Transaction Name Goal Actual Violation (%) Test_Txn1 15 467.189 3014.593 Test_Txn2 15 246.596 1543.973 So my question is how is Violation % calculated? The numbers that I see are not logical. It doesn't seem to relate to Goal and Actual. Thanks for your help!
Disregard. One of my colleagues just informed me that it is: Violation (%) is a percentage of the transactions that exceeded the 15 second SLA ( rate = (Average - goal) / goal). In other news, there is no way that Rita Anjos is a performance tester. :-D, but all spammers should look like that.
Cool... I was worried at the beginning that my functional specification was inaccurate :). Getting comment like that from someone like you Erik is never taken lightly. Anyway you got it right now so it is cool. HP team in IL is safe, thanks a lot for thinking about us, I really appreciate it
I am happy you enjoyed. Next time you are in Israel you must let me know so we can hang around together, I am really sorry we didn't do it this time