loadrunner PC 12.50 - Must you have JAVA installed on the client browser when...

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Scott Moore

PC 12.50 - Must you have JAVA installed on the client browser when trying to configure a SiteScope monitor? There are three form entries when checking "Use Account". I get get User Name and Password, but what is the first field for? Display name in SiteScope?
Is first one account name? That's the third piece of info you need to hook PC to SiS. I forget how to look it up but should be somewhere in the SiS UI.
I can login to SiteScope directly. I am an Admin. My display name and login name is the same. I am not using SSL. I have tried 8888 and 8080 (which should be the right one). Tried IP and Server Name.
OK PC - SiteScope. I give up on the secret combination you need to retrieve the counters. I even tried using the elvish word for "friend" under a full moon...
Account name can be found in the sitescope\groups\users.config file. Will be listed under _id= for that user
Jon Carmichael - thanks. So there is no easy way to get this information from within the SiteScope GUI? I don't have RDP or file access to that server. How would one know this information without access to the config file?
You are correct usually login1 or login01 depending on how old your Sitescope orig db was. I never really understood it but it's necessary. Yes Java is used all over for the integration and even more so when you want to use topology view in PC. Which is incredibly useful for recurrent monitoring setups for testing when it works. Note we had issues for anything over 12 monitor points due to hard odes timeouts in that Java code that is used. We ran sixty server monitor tests in topology by using phantom PC tests with a dummy vugen script to get 12 per test
I'm thinking I might run this install up again to refresh my memory of all the issues I ran into. It seems you are finding a lot of them as still not fixed.
Make sure your port is set to 8888 in the monitor profile creation in PC (which is used for the PC-SiS integration). The default port for the SiS gui is 8080 so this can be decieving.
I have tried both ports. No joy. They are using SS version 11.24 and PC 12.50. I am using JAVA 1.7.25 32-bit on the client. Their SiS server is the same one they monitor production. In other words, we did not install a separate SiteScope server just to use with PC. Would that be the issue?
Jon Carmichael - Yes I get prompted for the username and password with that request in the browswer pointed to the SS server. Once I put in that information, I get an XML tree. That would indicate it is working. I can verify that login id is login224 and netstat shows a connection from ALM to port 8888. There is no firewall in between. When I put the same combination or loginid, username, password, and use port 8888 - I get unable to retrieve
OK - Apparently PC got confused. When you save a SS monitor in PC and do not have all of the information and save it - if you have to go back and change it, the changes will not be saved. I tried two accounts - login223 and login224. I was finally able to get login223 with the right combo of user/pass, but then I changed the account information to login224 and saved it and went back in, the information had reverted back to the old information with the login223 missing. I deleted the entire monitor and started over from scratch. I put in the right information for login224 and it is now working. I think something is going on with the saving of information from that SS monitor form field so that an incomplete XML request is bring made and that is why it is refused. I would need to capture that in a network sniffer to verify it was malformed though. Unfortunately I am running out of time so I can't get into that now. Once I get my own PC environment up in the cloud I can go through this again.
I have created a humble enhancement request to add an additional column in the User Management Preferences within the SiteScope UI that would display the login id information so we don't have to plunder text files on the file system. SR# 4653527072.