loadrunner Now the Next Problem,,, Protocol: Java over...

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Deepak Singh Negi

Now the Next Problem,,, Protocol: Java over HTTP At the time of reply, its showing following error "Error -26628: HTTP Status-Code=403 (Forbidden) for "http://#########:@@@@/abcdefgh/remoteProxy?OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=7PV3-DE8H-2ANQ-E6NI-WZXP-J75Y-3QR1-XM3I" [MsgId: MERR-26628]". I thing there are some value which is going to be corellated and paramerized. Help Needed: 1) what is the solution for the above error? 2) How to do corellation and paramerisation?(JAVA OVER HTTP Protocol)
Hey.it seems to some run time setting issue.if any java related issues are there then it will throw compilation error.you can check proxy setting in run time.and do some modification there.might be it will work.