loadrunner NFR-1 Performance Incoming email load The system can accept and...

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SP Manjunath

NFR-1 Performance Incoming email load The system can accept and process up to 100 new emails per minute. how to achieve above scenario through tool vugen(i mean i need algorithm) for example:if my mail id map the IMAP .(in the outlook).from my mail id i will send to different receipient mail id based on the issue type(example about issue:suppose account related issues we will send to person@xyz.com,password related issue send it to password@xyz.com ..etc).please let me know how to explain this scenario to my client Additional Info: anti virus enabled...mail box to mail box ..with attachments in-house only for example gmail to gmail this application has developed GWT(Google web tool kit)
Received from which interface? Client? Another server? On server, mailbox to mailbox? With/without attachments? Message size? Server/mail service type? Hosted/In-house? Spam/antivirus enabled?
Is it gmail? Or is it on a server you own, manage and control? Is it all on one server with no off server traffic? Brand and type of email server? Client interfaces/protocols used for connection?
What is the server software? Client interface, POP, IMAP, SMTP,...? These are questions directly related to architecture of the communications between client ( outlook ) and your email server ( ???? )
i did not start to work on tool ...just my client is asking how the way to achieve above scenarion...i mean he is procedure to follow
You need to understand architecturally HOW your client is communicating with the email server to send messages from the client to the server in order to answer how to reproduce it in Loadrunner or any other tool. I have a hypothesis as to how the communication is occurring , but it would be a giant assumption to answer with that as the basis . you need to find out more the vendor and version of the email server and the client protocol used to send. You also need to find out what size attachments and how many. Do you need to hit a distribution of sizes in your generation of messages? There are multiple possible paths. Until you can clarify the client interfaces you can't narrow them If the client needs a short answer, then 'yes' it can be done. How depends upon vendor of the email server and the client interfaces used for sending messages from client to server