Surya Teja Reddy Alimineti
LR Vugen 12.02, Protocol: Oracle NCA+web HTTP/HTML Recorded the web application consisting oracle forms and able to connect to 'nca_connect_server'. After running the script several times enabling the extended logs, found that parameters saving the dynamic data but still facing the error : "Error: nca_lov_retrieve_items("Organizations") failed, Window or object is not displayed" Later, I referred to the Hp knowledge documents regarding this issue and they suggested the changes that are needed to be done in "default.cfg" file. They are as follows: 1.Oracle NCA Script replay. In this case the NcaTimerWaitMode value was set to "0". 2. In the section [HttpConnectMode] change UseServletMode=1 back to "2". But I'm unable to get those lines in "default.cfg" so, even I tried to manually add those lines in that file but still no use!! Can someone please help me out in resolving this issue?