loadrunner Last place I post this, in case your management asks you to switch...

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Shane Evans

Last place I post this, in case your management asks you to switch to JMeter or the Developers can't understand why you would pay for a tool like LoadRunner. Be sure to tell them LoadRunner is also free.
Everyone forgets that each tool has both a labor and a tool quotient to hit a given point of capability. If the labor is so large that it completely wipes out any tool savings, then have you really saved any money?
I've also run across two entities recently that only want to use open source tools - I ran down essentially the above and all the other issues I have specifically with JMeter and Selenium for various aspects and both refused to see what I was describing. Both entities also seemed to be more interested in solving the "infinite scalability" issue in architecture with very little emphasis on implementation of all the layers that go into making that a reality.