jmeter JMeter and RabbitMQ

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New Member
Nov 13, 2017
Hi guys,
I can use some help with using JMeter and RabbitMQ .

The flow is something like this:
The application integrates with Rabbit MQ Server (subscribes to and pushes messages onto different Queues)

It has a subscriber which takes in a message , processes it and pushes back a different message on a different queue - back on RabbitMQ

Test Objective :
To record how much time does it take to process the message - end to end. From the point the message is picked up from the inbound queue and then posted on the outbound queue.

Progress made:
I have installed a JMeter plugin for AMQP.
Individually, I can both publish as well as subscribe to RabbitMQ from JMeter.

The problem :
However, when I run the subscriber , (I can see the message getting de-queued) I don't see it in “Results Tree”

Any suggestions ?