loadrunner Is there any data limit in parameterization...

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Paras Rambhiya

Is there any data limit in parameterization for web_custom_request function,i had recorded a name with 5 characters now its not taking any number greater than or less than 5
Did you manually check if your able to put name with more than or less than 5 characters. If its working then may be you are missing some correlation, record one more flow with name more than 5 characters and compare with your existing script to check what is changing.
Yaa tried but thats also not working,its not correlation part,its static value which we pass thru data value
With the static value there can be other fields which are changing i was asking to check on that, so you mean you recorded new script with more than 5 characters and the replay still fails? And the replay for old script with 5 characters is still working ?
Its a flex application ,i recorded the script with 5 letter name and then when trying to run with 6 letter name its not working,the same is working when we do it manually
Then record twice, compare your code very precisely to find out what you need to modify. It could be something as simple as a field which contains the length of another field.
Paras if its a flex application, what is the type of data you are paasung, is that something in xml form or something going in encrypted format. In some flex application we may need to include flex related jars and also if its encrypted data going it will be difficult to understand what data going in requests. There was something called as flex utility i had used long back to decrypt the data once decrypted it will be in readable format, we need to correlate required fields again encrypt the code and send to server. Which protocol you are using to record this application
Yaa lr 12 supports flex properly i think so,yaa some binary data is present in my request ,but the format is same for all characters