loadrunner In my variable declarations I have a struct called db: struct...

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Scott Moore

In my variable declarations I have a struct called db: struct sqlite3 *db; if I want to display the value of this in an lr_output_message, what would be the format, i.e: lr_output_message("SQLite Database name: %s", db); This produces jibberish as it is a pointer in memory. What should it be?
I am not totally sure, but you can try to assign this db pointer to a string, then print the content of the string not the pointer. in the output message you indicate you use a string which is not true, that is a pointer to memory. give a try and let us know.
lr_eval_string it right/ It's been a little while. That's why you have to do it on actual parameters anyway. If you send it the parameter name as string it gets special macro expanded out to the pointer. So feed it the pointer directly and see?