loadrunner In my experience, the usual culprit of...

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Scott Moore

In my experience, the usual culprit of "unexpected disconnects" in Citrix with LoadRunner (when only experienced under load) is either a connection setting in Citrix or Terminal Services - or you could actually be overloading the Citrix server. Any others you are aware of?
For us it was a slightly different scenario. We've encountered this issue many a time when a single user credential is used to simulate multiple vusers. We then enabled the Citrix server to allow multiple sessions for the same user and also made sure that each vuser takes a unique id.
Exactly what Ashwin said as well as getting into a piece of non thread safe code in the Citrix connect code. I forget which dll it was but as long as we kept concurrency per injector at one during ramp up things worked great
Ashwin - do you mean that you were using a DAT file with one or two ID's and trying to run a bunch of sessions with just these few? or there was overlap in the ID's so when a duplicate logged in it kicked the other out?
Scott, at least in my case it was the same userid with multiple sessions allowed in the Citrix server but we put in manual computer id's so the server saw them as indeed separate sessions.
Is there any way to configure the ICA-TCP to end the disconnected sessions in less than 1 minute through a registry hack or something?
Not sure on the registry hack, but the Citrix manager side I believe that is an option to reset disconnected sessions.
Scott We had problems when the same user id was used to launch multiple concurrent citrix sessions. We almost always saw Citrix disconnects errors in that case. Following which we confirmed from Citrix admin that a user can indeed open multiple sessions concurrently. For further clarity we then assigned mutiple ids in the DAT file so that there is no kind of overlap of user accounts. Regarding the ICA TCP config, we could only get it down to one minute as that's the minimum that is supported. However there should be a setting in ICA TCP Host Seussion Manager where we can set to 'end' broken connections. I was able to confirm that a disconnected session ends immediately while working on a Single ICA protocol script. However Im having a hard time making it work for Mulitple protocol script. So I created a workaround by forcing the Vugen error control to forcefully fire a ctrx_logoff() in the event of an error :)