loadrunner I Try to capture a dynamic amount value "from...

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Arjan Mantjes

I Try to capture a dynamic amount value "from the screen" within The True Client protocol (LR11.5). The new value for the update needs to be a higher value so i need to evaluate what's on the screen and capture this value. Does somebody now the function and or code for it to get this done ?
Change the action to Get Property. In the arguments select "Visible Text". Assign the value to a variable. You may need to modify the object identification to a different method in order to find the object not necessarily by its' current text
Then you can use a simple evaluate JavaScript code with window.alert(VaraibleName) to check if the value was captured properly
Thanks working on it now... Problem is variabele from get property in verify step. Complain about emty variabel where this is the value i want to catch from screen ?!