I think all testing problems are solved :p ......

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Ravi Ranjan

I think all testing problems are solved :p ... Not even a single query from couple of weeks..
Ravi...is think time is used for reducing the burden on the server & Controlling the TPS n Hits on the server?
Yup think time and pacing are used to tune the TPS and control the number of hits on a sever...
Ravi...how we will decide rampup and rampdown the users Generally ..generally in my proj using 2 users every 5 secs in most of the cases
Gradual increase of load at certain interval of time is best way to ramp up the users, do similar ramp down also... there are different types of testing where we design load as per the requirement...
Ravi bro..when customer are not aware of application .how to approach it?