loadrunner I am working on a SAP Netweaver Application...

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Anil Jindal

I am working on a SAP Netweaver Application using HTTP/HTML protocol. The URL mode recording generates a lots of .jpg, png, .css, .js calls. Should I keep them with the script or remove them? Which would be ideal approach? Also if I keep them will they all will be downloaded in parallel or in sequence they appear in the script? What may be impact on transaction response time on deleting them? Please guide.
anil even if u delete these JPG call it wont ba a problem. It depends on your Mindset to keep or delete. but deleting this wont make any deference. Also there wont be any difference in the Response. SInnce these are loaded once the response is back from server.
Keep them. What you want to do is to represent accurately the load of the user and this is part of the load. if the server settings are incorrect related to cache management then you could very well be in the situation where your users would have to download these resources on every request anyway. Test tools are smart enough to accurately represent the cache settings as they are set, so leave the requests in place for the downside is a helluva lot larger than any upside from a smaller script.
James is right. Keep them. That is part of the page itself. On an uncached scenario, they all are downloaded. If you are sure that your browser would cache most (or, all) of them, prepare 2 similar set of scripts, one with cached and another with uncached one. Divide the mix accordingly, with input from your dev/architecture team. For your next question, they will all be downloaded serially. This also depends on the number of concurrent connections, which you can modify through browser emulation. IE 8 can make 6 concurrent connections while IE 10 can make 8. Your response time might look good if you remove these, but that's not how your application might perform in PROD.
The "assumption" which underlies the deletion of the static resources, related to a 100% caching in the CDN for a correctly configured caching scheme, is an assumption that is rarely proved true at the outset, but testing with all of the resources intact can expose these misconfigured settings and have them addressed before deployment