loadrunner I am using the Ajax Tru client IE protocol in vugen11.52...

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SP Manjunath

I am using the Ajax Tru client IE protocol in vugen11.52 .according to vugen version it supports only IE9 or IE10 but my application is compatibility with IE11.0.please let me know what should i do?
* Pray your clients don't use Chrome * Pray your clients don't use Spartan Browser in Windows 10 * Record your business processes three times with HTTP (not Ajax) and determine if your application is truly unpredictably asynchronous or is actually predictably synchronous in its actions within the context of a business process. Most items labled as Ajax are predictably sequenced once you get into the context of a business process with queries being executed in the identical (or close to identical ) spots in sequence. Where predictably sequential, leverage HTTP instead of AJAX Truclient. See proxy mode/old recording engine recording to record ANY HTTP application * Upgrade your version of LoadRunner to a version compatible with your browser * Have your developers design and build for something other than a single vendor and a single version of a browser
yes james we dont have rights..i have asked help desk they told all application should work on IE11..we should not downgrade the browser version until unless the appl not work in IE 11.0
i believe by default when u install the Vugen 11.52, u will also have firefox installed. it will be in below locations. C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual User Generator\bin\firefox try this and check.
Venkatesan Arjunan here i dont have access..and let me know which IE browser version supported by Vugen 11.52
vugen 11.52 does not support IE11. can you try to record the script with truclient with firefox protocol ?