loadrunner I am trying to record a application i have...

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Ramakrishna Gade

I am trying to record a application i have some drop down values but that drop down values is keep on changing how we are going handle in better way Thanks
Ordinal all would capture all in an array and then read any random position from that array and pass that to the variable...
After doing correlation you need to to randamization function to pick one random value in drop down in list of values
web_reg_save_param("district","LB=","ORD=ALL",LAST); char *temp; temp=lr_paramarr_random("district"); -- district(drop downlist) is correlated parameter name lr_save_string(temp,"rdist"); -- rdist is the substituted value to place If you wan to randomize it then you can use rand() function for that.
If u need specific index range example like if a drop down having 100 values i need to pick randomly one value between 25th value to 85th value then approach will different