loadrunner I am running the existing script on Controller...

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Raju Phani

I am running the existing script on Controller and noticed that some of the parameter values are incorrect. How do I Know that which incorrect parameter value is passed by script to the application. I would like to write parameter name and incorrect Value passed by the script to a output file(Excel or Notepad). i used Log as a parameter substitution in the run time settings but i want only invalid data is passing Please give me some suggestions.
The single best way to do it, that I can think of, is to use something like VTS to send the data to. If you use file logging, that could impact the performance during execution.
VTS=Virtual Table Server I think it's available still on the HP site somewhere.. I've not used it in years but it comes in handy since the db interaction commands are all built in sorta.
If you know when an incorrect piece of data happens why can't you search the full log? Throw it in Splunk maybe if you have access to it. Run in the controller and view the runtime data screen. Then write down what iteration is blowing out. Then stop the test shortly thereafter and look in the detailed run log. Search for the iteration number to quickly get there and then see what's going on.
Most of this type of thing is usually around incorrect new session on iteration settings or sometimes when doing complex date math for date params. We have an open defect with HP now for like 2 years on one when you do date-1 and that lands on a weekend and you also specify weekday only.... It randomly will give you Friday or Saturday depending if your current day is Sunday...
using file's u can separate them. if ur good in c program files, make two file one for passed and other for failed. with using if...else condition