loadrunner Hypothetical: You have 100 values. 10 vusers. Each vuser needs to...

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Scott Moore

Hypothetical: You have 100 values. 10 vusers. Each vuser needs to use a unique value and run 10 iterations. You select a unique number value and update on each iteration - setting up for 10 iteration. Your block size is 10 and you set the parameter to continue in a cyclic manner when out of values. If you run a test, it should not matter how long the test runs for, correct? You should not get an error because the users will continue to cycle within their block of 10 values over and over, never sharing with any other vuser. Is this correct?
This is true, but in (admittedly) older versions of LoadRunner I've seen errors where the vusers run out of data in exactly this situation. To get round this I used to increase the size of the data file as a matter of course so I had more test data than I needed. It may be worth building a sample script in LR 12.5 to see if the problem still exists.
10 Vusers running for 10 iterations will consume the full 100 values. If you set the scenario to run to completion and not a duration, it will stop after all 10 users compete their 10 iterations. If you set a scenario duration, it should repeat with the same 10 values each. That is assuming your values don't become invalid after use.
As of my experience even if we set up as cyclic it would throw an error stating no more unique values found after 10 iteration