How to get the heap dump through putty or...

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Ravi Ranjan

How to get the heap dump through putty or winscp ...please clarify if u know and also let me know how to analyse the heap dump- SP Manjunath
I also don't know how exactly it's done, we generally ask support team to collect dumps. let me do some R&D on this, I'll get back to you soon... If someone knows the answer please share it with us..
Why do you need heap dumps. I know how to take it from putty but need to refresh my memory
its used for analyzing when occurred memory leaks.just i wanted to know how to get from putty r winscp ...i too forgotten colecting heap dump
mate u can collect heap dump using a APM like dynatrace or use utlities available in ur JVM to take heap dump , Putty and Winscp are tools to connect to the server and transfer files to and from the servers
Hey kiran...pls send any heap dump if you had any ..and describe where to see objects are causing leaks
pls let me know any scripting challenges and resolution respectively if u have faced in ur experience..pls send me as earliset
use jmap for taking heap dump and mat tool for analyzing the heap dump file