loadrunner how do i handle the script for supposedly a...

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Gaurav Shukla

how do i handle the script for supposedly a facebook application in which if i enter with my login i see my wall,my frnz,my chat and my messages and then when i switch user to my frnz login it has his wall,his frnz list and his chat and his personal messages. Any clue?
An application like Facebook would either require an extensive amount of correlation and custom requests, or a higher-level method of scripting such as Ajax TruClient. I would recommend the later.
Yeah, I would highly recommend Firefox and TruClient recording for what you are asking. The other option would be to http url record the page and then break EVERYTHING down to the sub parts and then simulate via function call blocks and concurrent download linear groupings. It's a pain and it's only a SIMULATION of what would be happening BUT if your goal is server load measurement then it's close enough. If your goal is USER side measurement then it won't be adequate enough. A GREAT example of this if anyone has ever PT'd QualityCenter..... The scripts are wicked fast but have little bearing on how the client would behave.. Most of the slowness of QualityCenter is actually directly related to the time spent on the local machine and not the protocol level between the client and server side.
The QC scripts used internally, which are available via the support site, are actually COM/DCOM for the most part so as to simulate all of the communication, not just what is captured by a Web/HTTP script. But I agree with everything you said.
Yes Shane you are correct in that they are COM/DCOM with one web script... That's sort of the point I'm making where those scripts run very quickly simulating the network communications part of the system, but they fail to simulate the rest of the client side app that results in the generation of those calls by the client. It's a HUGE difference real use clock time wise. But on the good side, by just moving to SSD drives in our corporate laptops we've been able to shave logins and large tree displays down by nearly a 10X speedup. Just by using SSDs in the client machine.
As far as using TruClient - Make sure to use the supported Firefox level by the version you have. IE LR 11? Also keep in mind transaction markers and times are relative to the screen loading around what they wrap screen wise. IE. It's not exactly like putting transaction wrappers around the calls, but rather around page interactions.. It's more of click to click or page update not pageload to pageload. I'm not sure that really makes sense, and I'll update it tomorrow when I have a better example for you :)
You can adjust the transaction markers to whatever you like in TruClient scripts, but yes the default is to record the rendering of DOM objects. Applications need to support Firefox at this time, but the next version will include support for Internet Explorer 9.
Ajax.... good option but difficult to run in the scenario if you don't have a valid license. Otherwise try with normal HTTP/WEB because sometime is usefully with correct correlation.