loadrunner How can I upload a excel file to the script by using Ajax true...

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Raj Dinesh

How can I upload a excel file to the script by using Ajax true client web protocol. Could any body help on this please.
Any particular requirement causing you to use the Ajax C&S protocol? The same can be done in Web/MM fairly simply.
Rule of thumb: Go with HTTP first. If there is an architectural requirement for Asynch, bump to TruClient if the data-flow cannot be reconciled across multiple recordings.
Thanks for your suggestions, currently i am working on true client web protocol. There is scenario where I have to upload an excel file. While Iam recording it was fetching that file. But when Iam replaying it was navigating to the path. But the script is not able to fetch the file from drive
There is two thing you can check first... 1. Check if pop-up window, if able to recognize first 2. Do give xpath for the location of file Hopefully this will help !!!