loadrunner Hi to All,, what is the need of pacing time in load runner? Thanks

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Sayed Ali

Hi to All,, what is the need of pacing time in load runner? Thanks
Pacing is the time between iterations. How soon after an iteration do you want to wait before starting again?
Hi Sayed Ali Pacing is a time to pace your requests. You do this to achieve the desired load against your system under test instead of just hammering it... There are three conditions for Pacing in loadrunner 1. Asa the prev iter ends- this starts next action immediately Ideal for stress testing 2. After previous iter ends (select fixed/random) if you give fixed and put 60secs. Every action starts with pause of 60secs. It tells LR to wait for 60secs eventhough ur action iterates for just 45secs. 3. At fixed/random intervals My advise is choose random and set the desired time in sec to emulate like in real time. Ideally this will be good to focus on throughput rate on the server
Sayed Ali, these are very basic questions. I would recommend reading the tutorial and help at lrhelp.saas.hpe.com
Let's look at the inverse. What would happen if you collapsed iteration pacing and think time to zero? How does the client server model treat these gaps between requests?