loadrunner Hi petar..... I want to identify memory leaks...

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Aditya Singh

Hi petar..... I want to identify memory leaks in a endurance test and the technology is Flex front end and back end is java. So presently, I did some R&D on tools like visualVM for JVM monitoring and garbage collections. even did some rnd on Jprofiler....can you please suggest me some good tools in the market if i am missing and also what parameters should I focus in order to identify memory leaks?????
You can incorporate HP Diagnostics into your test, which has a tight integration with LoadRunner. It has 4-5 features to help identify leaks - collection leak detection, object allocation/deallocation, garbage collection statistics, heap dumps, etc... It must be purchased separately from LoadRunner as a new license, but would be the best route to go. My company, J9, can provide you with a license quote or a demonstration of the functionality should you decide to proceed.
Yes, the way to go would be Hp Diagnostics in my opinion for doing system level memory leak testing. Jprofiler should be good for single thread development profiling, but HP Diag for J2EE really gives a number of advantages to the engineer under even moderate load. It really shines under production or heavy load testing scenarios. I'm using the tools today to diagnose and hunt down a potential memory leak. We should have the data shortly after turning on a few of the advanced jvmti probe features that allow for real time heap object tracking and isolation. Other tools out there that work well but I've not found as robust include DynaTrace and ITCAM, and there's one other but the name escapes me right now. I have not done an open source deep dive in quite some time so I'm not that aware of the other newcomers there however. HP Diag is the way to go for rapid identification of the leaks and deep diving even if you do not buy the fully Commander/Mediator infra around the native probes.
The "other" tool I couldn't think of before was called "AppDynamics" Very good tool that sort of combines Sitescope and Diagnostics into one view. Slick, but you MUST use the newest version or the important screens for triage and real analysis are just not there.... HP Diag is still my go to package of choice. It just works.