loadrunner Hi, I'm recording a salesforce based...

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Avisha Keshri

Hi, I'm recording a salesforce based application using Load runner. While replaying it, the requests go through successfully but I don't see anything in replay log that could help me validate my requests(no text or image from my UI). I tried capturing complete responses for some of the requests but no luck. Is there any way to proceed on this?
If you are getting any specific text or number in response content , you can fetch it through web_reg_save_param and can display it through out put msg. See if this works.
I tried web_reg_save but it gives me the same thing as in replay log for that request. Nothing to validate there.
If you are getting same value means nothing is changing. Is there anything which you are expecting in response or various responses? And can you capture that?
What I see in the captured response from web_reg_save_param is the date,time of request and so &so bytes of data tansfer etc. whereas what I am expecting is some meeting names,location,their timings etc.
In the response content look for the value which you are expecting for a valid response. And try capturing that.
And if you are not getting the expected content in response then seems the response is not proper. When you are navigating through the application and desired response is coming then same response should come while recording with Loadrunner also.
Just u check with HTTP fox add-on using firefox.You can able to see tha request and response and also post data.If you aware of this add-on just try this in manually
You most probably are missing some headers and correlations. Visual force pages (when developed out of the boiler plate code) return 200 for all sorts of output (including errors). Make sure you recorded and replayed "requests", headers and cookies are all set. Some cookies in VF are not set through standard SetCookie tags. They are appended to the XHR requests by a JS. If you are not seeing anything in the replay logs, you most probably are getting error pages. What does the replay headers suggest?
Have you tried TruClient? Salesforce uses this to performance test themselves, and you might find it easier there.
Hey I have recently tested salesforce application. You can look for status code in the response body. In my case, i was getting it. That's where I put the check to verify the response.
Increase the log levels to "data returned by server" and check the replay log Use fiddler to capture additional details
correlation will be many in salesforce application ...please check it request by request and compare in snapshot view
There are csrf I'd's and vid's in all request bodies. How do I correlate them. And it has saml auth too. This saml request when auto correlated throws error. Is there any convert function usage, you know of, to correlate csrf I'd's?
CSRF or cross site request forgery tokens are generally passed in request headers. Depending on the structure of your VF page, there can be more than one. Each token corresponds to a iFrame you want to edit or update. Correlate these using Search in Headers. SAML auth in VF in most cases goes along with a VF session ID. Sfdc has two factor auth. One at SFDC layer and other at VisualForce layer. Make sure you correlate both. Yes, scripting SFDC in normal http/html mode is a pain in the