loadrunner Hi, I am testing bulk pdf files upload( Total...

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Esha Agarwal

Hi, I am testing bulk pdf files upload( Total size 150MB) scenario using LR 12.02 on IE11. File upload mechanism is HTTP. I have few queries. 1. When I run the scenario manually, the response time is 65secs while through vugen/controller the response time is 30secs. When I checked the request through Fiddler , I observed that it takes ~25secs for-Client RequestSent to ClientRequestDone.Pls suggest how can I emulate the scenario correctly throuh LR. 2. When the total file size of my PDFs increase beyond 150MB , I get memory voilation in vugen. The resource stats of machine is normal.How can I handle this? 3.What performance counters should be monitored and what should be sla? Thanks in advance
1. Pls check if the files are getting uploaded correctly thru' vuGen/Controller. Might it not be useful to check logs to verify if file was uploaded 'properly' 2. Pease check the allocated buffer size 3. May I suggest to please talk to the person who gathered the requirements to know SLAs. Counters for resource consumption depends on what underlying system are you using
1. VUGEN is Slower for debug purposes, so you are incorrect to compare what happens in a Full IDe in VUGEN with what is captured in the controller. One is not the other 2. Are you allocating the memory yourself? If so, then allocate the proper amount of memory for your large file sizes. Otherwise you may need to turn to HP support. With multiple users and file sizes of this large size you are going to bottleneck on your shared network resource coming out of the load generator because of the overlapped window associated with multiple users sending and the nature of Ethernet as a collision domain where sessions will need to back off 3. Uhhhhm, this is where you refer to the architecture of your application and leverage your foundation skills in systems analysis to determine what you should be monitoring. In general, a variation of CPU, Disk, Memory and Network for each host and service will come into play. As to the SLA? You have a conceptual issue with Requirements. Speak to your business owners not the general public. We haven't got a clue as to the business needs which are driving the upload of 150MB PDf files and how long it should take from a particular destination, over a particular link, etc...